mylife SENIOR

Once the Menopausal years have passed, there are different needs for you as a Senior woman. During these golden years you need to be taking care of your body by looking after your bones, heart and digestive.


mylife SENIOR

Once the Menopausal years have passed, there are different needs for you as a Senior woman. During these golden years you need to be taking care of your body by looking after your bones, heart and digestive. FEMOLENE mylife SENIOR contains an optimum multivitamin specifically formulated for woman to help combat common afflictions in these areas.

Femolene mylife SENIOR helps with

Once the menopausal years have passed there are different needs for you as a Senior woman. During these golden years you need to take care of your body by looking after your bones, heart and digestive system. FEMOLENE mylife SENIOR contains an optimum multivitamin specifically formulated to target these important areas.

As you age, you need to make a concerted effort to get more of some nutrients and less of others. In most cases, it’s not because your body actually needs more or less of the nutrient now; but that your body’s ability to absorb or retain it has changed, your eating and other lifestyle habits have changed, or you are more vulnerable to diseases that can be affected by too little or too much of a nutrient. FEMOLENE mylife SENIOR contains Riboflavin, Choline, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Vitamin E; all essential for your overall health and body functions during your senior years. 

So now that you’ve stopped feeling the symptoms which have bothered you for a long period of time, you can begin to be a bit more energetic, the hot flushes are significantly reduced (hopefully!) and the mood swings also stop being so frequent. But unfortunately it can’t all be positive, a negative aspect that may occur is the onset of the Middle-Age Spread. Healthy lifestyle habits – such as exercise, balanced eating and not smoking – are effective ways to reduce Post-Menopausal symptoms.

Regular exercise, such as walking for 20 – 30 minutes 3 – 4 times a week supports your health. Exercise strengthens your bones, increases wellbeing and may help make sleeping easier.

Available at all leading pharmacies countrywide, or shop online here now.

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specifically developed for seniors

During these golden years you need to be taking care of your body by looking after your bones, heart and digestive. FEMOLENE mylife SENIOR contains an optimum multivitamin specifically formulated for woman to help combat common afflictions in these areas.